This week I have the pleasure of introducing to you Gloria Hosh, a fellow American Cancer Society ResearcHERS Ambassador, CEO of Cristino Chocolates (if you have not already tried her delectable chocolates, you MUST!), and mom to two amazing young men!

ZOE: Tell us a little about yourself and why you chose the business you’re in.
GLORIA: Since I can ever remember, I have always had a sweet tooth and chocolate would always be the answer to everything J. My nickname was Cocoa growing up and I was the Betty Crocker in my family. Always baking cookies, brownies and sweets and sharing them with family friends and till today I continue this tradition by adding a touch of sweetness with Cristino Chocolates.

ZOE: Who has been your greatest influence in business and why?
GLORIA: My greatest influence and inspiration are my 2 boys, Constantine and Christopher – this is where Cristino comes from. They are my rock, my inspiration and my life. There are no words to express my love them. From a business influence perspective I would choose Eleanor Roosevelt. I have a plaque in my office from her famous quotes – Never Never Never Give Up. That’s how I start my day.
ZOE: What is the best advice you’ve received in business?
GLORIA: Learn as much as you can and take everything that is given to you. look for opportunity to grow educationally, physically and spiritually. Also, work hard and stay humble. Observe and learn instead of react and respond, conserve your energy for what matters.
ZOE: What is one characteristic you believe every woman leader should possess?
GLORIA: Confidence - it all starts with you not your relationship, not your job, not with your money, but you. Confidence and self-worth are priceless.
ZOE: If you were to author a book, what would it be about?
GLORIA: It would be about kindness and believing in yourself. I know there are plenty books out there with the same theme, but I would fill this book with "Be’s" - Be Amazing, The Best is Yet to Come.

ZOE: Why have you chosen ResearcHERS as your philanthropy?
GLORIA: I myself am a cancer survivor and in my family, we have been touched by cancer. Some have survived and some have not. I feel, everyone deserves a chance and it only take one person to make a difference.
ZOE: How have you chosen to give back to ResearcHERS?
GLORIA: I am so honored and humble to be an Ambassador and share this mission with an incredible group of women who all strive for the same mission. Donating from the Cristino Family (Cristino Chocolates and Cristino Fine Jewelry to help fundraise events). Time is priceless. Life is precious.
For more information about Cristino Chocolates, please visit the website. If you're looking for fine jewelry, look no further than Cristino Fine Jewelry!